St. Vincent de Paul has many Ministries & Organizations available to parishioners of every age group who are called to serve within the parish. We truly believe there is a "place for everyone". Our hope is that as you navigate through the lists you will find those that appeal to you. We are a Welcoming Parish and strive to fulfill everyone's needs.
Ministry Fair August 23-24, 2025 After All Masses
As we prepare for the first Ministry Fair, I invite you to discern which areas of ministry that you have been blessed to serve. As St Paul tells us in1st Corinthians (1 COR 12: 4-5) “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, but the same Lord.” So if your wondering what gifts the Spirit has graced you with, please take 20 minutes and complete the Spiritual Gift Inventory on the parish website ( Parish. This tool can help you discover where God may be calling you or possibly affirm participation in ministries you already serve.
As always, thank you for being part of the St Vincent de Paul community of faith. We are blessed to love and serve each other!