All liturgical ministers: Please read
A quick link to the Liturgical Ministry Scheduler
All ministry Mass assignments will be posted using the Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) software.
What this means to you?
Besides weekend Masses, we occasionally will assign some holy days and special Masses as well.
What you need to do?
You will need to insert the dates you know you cannot serve on your MSP profile prior to the 10th of the quarterly schedule.
You will need to input your “Can't Serve Dates” by:
Feb 10th for the Mar/Apr schedule
Apr 10th for the May/June schedule
Jun 10th for the July/Aug schedule
Aug 10th for Sept/Oct schedule
Oct 10th for Nov/Dec schedule
Dec 10th for Jan/Feb schedule
What happens if you forget to input your “Can’t Serve Dates” and are scheduled to serve?
You will need to find your substitute using the MSP tool.
For an overview and answers about this software, please read the FAQ section linked here. This section will be update periodically and is a great place to start. There is also up to date information on the Home tab in the Ministry Scheduler web site.
For ministry specific questions, please continue to communicate with your ministry leads.
For questions and issues related to the scheduler program,
email [email protected]
Time Saver Tips
When a “Request For Sub” email appears in your personal email inbox, and you would like to fill in for that person, you should click the link within that email to accept the request. This will notify the requestor with a reply email and update the schedule on the web site automatically. If you reply to the email, it will not go to the person requesting.
Another option to accept a sub request is under the My Schedule tab of the Ministry Schedule Pro website. There, you can also click a link to accept the request, and it will email the person requesting and automatically update the online schedule.