Do you have information you would like to publish to the SVdP Web site? Just email your request to [email protected] with all of the following information:
Your full name
The parish group that you represent (council, ministry, committee)
If this should not "go live" until a specific date, please specify. Likewise, if this is short-term information and should eventually be removed, please tell us the date by which it should come down.
A detailed description of the changes you want us to make
The content (text) that you want added/updated
If you have any documents or images that need to accompany your request, please attach them to your email. If the files that you need to attach are more than 5MB, please let us know so that we can set up another method of transfer.
Please submit your request at least 5 days (not including weekends) before you need to have the work completed. Because the Web Ministry is run by volunteers, last-minute requests are not always easy to accommodate. Thank you for understanding!